


Polyester PVDC/Saran

This provides significant properties in terms of barrier and heat sealing. It is used in the food and beverage, health, personal hygiene and other industries. These films have high transparency and excellent dimensional stability. They also act as a barrier against humidity and smells and have excellent sealing strength for vacuum-packed foods, foods in brine, bread bags or liquid components that may be more corrosive.


Technical datasheets

Download the technical sheets of our products and know the characteristics of each of the models.

Polyester (PET) PVDC/Saran 12 MIC

Polyester (PET) PVDC/Saran 13 MIC

Polyester (PET) PVDC/Saran 14 MIC

Polyester (PET) PVDC/Saran Pasteurizable 12 MIC

Polyester (PET) PVDC/Saran Pasteurizable 13 MIC

Polyester (PET) PVDC/Saran Pasteurizable 14 MIC

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